Saturday, September 15, 2007


I was walking towards City Hall MRT that day when something appeared:

This was on display at St Andrew's Cathedral's Welcome Centre. I couldn't help but stop and gape in horror.

Ads like these really do nothing to inspire respect for religion.

Firstly, they're premised on the ignorance of their audience - i.e. the ignorance of evolution. (It's even worse if the ignorance is deliberate.)

Secondly, they rely on the arrogance that stems from this ignorance - i.e. the arrogance that humans are not animals, that we are the most important things in the divine creator's eyes, etc.

And (this is a really cheap shot I admit), the ad even shamelessly rips off the aesthetics of those cool i-Pod ads.

Even if we dropped the marketing savvy bit...

Ignorance + Arrogance. What a superb combo. Who cares about educating themselves or being humble anyway? It's us versus them crazy monkey-making people man... don't ever let them get to you!

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