Sunday, December 23, 2007

Er... boobies, anyone?

I am so childish.

To be precise, the kind of child who's old enough to giggle when he/she/it sees a restaurant signboard at Changi Village saying "Seamen".

Yes, my parents raised me well.

Speaking of signboards at Changi Village:

It's so funny, like straight from your (innocently racist) childhood. How did people even come up with the sing-song "singh, singh, baboo singh, go home let your mother cane" anyway? What does it mean??? And isn't it horribly... wrong?

I'm not about to launch into a discussion about latent racism in Singapore but I mean, just imagine a shop sign emblazoned with "PROP. NEH NEH POK".

Moving on, here's how to make good use of your Higher Chinese - "Prostitution Fish Porridge" for sale!

Tee hee hee. Pity it wasn't open.

I'd like to end of this post by stating that Waraku (the restaurant) is really demeaning to women:

It's enough to make you want to shout...


All too good to be true. :)

Coitus interrupted

I think this is one of the most poignant, yet utterly grotesque, scenes I've ever had the fortune to chance upon in real life.

A pair of cockroaches crushed by a single car tire while in the midst of mating.

It makes me want to throw up, but at the same time, it's so oddly beautiful.

This used to be my playground

Ok, very melodrama I know, in addition to being a lie (since I took this near Changi Village), but just check this out:

It's really rare nowadays to see those old playgrounds with sand and concrete, isn't it?

Alright, true lah, back then got no sand ban ah, granite barge detainment ah, etc etc to deal with....

But HDB has been making their playgrounds the new-fangled, spongy-synthetic flooring, ultra-futuristic metallic kind for some time already.

You know what I mean - the really confusing kind. Sometimes you can barely tell where the kid's hands and legs are supposed to go. You almost think that they're supposed to crawl down the slide upside down on all fours, like that girl in The Exorcist.

One of the most distinctive sounds from childhood, for me, is the sound of slippers grinding sand as you arrived at the bottom of a concrete slide. And also, slippers grinding sand as you scrambled up a concrete slide.

One of the most distinctive feelings is (maybe not surprisingly...) the feeling of having playground sand ground into your backside as you slid to a painful halt.

But, still, WE ENJOYED IT!!!

Why no more? Unhygienic? Dangerous? Attracts dog/cat shit for children to accidentally dig up and eat/make into sandcastle?

Maybe in the future, the only time that kids get to see sand is when they go to the beach.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

JTC is the weirdest place

They must be the only stat board with three-eyed people.

Bananas Galore

I've decided to make it my personal mission to document all the condom ads in Singapore.

Unfortunately I don't get out much so I haven't collected many, but give a girl some time...!

This one's a pretty common sight at the moment:

Quite discreet and sweet actually, but I wouldn't be surprised if it manages to get at least one ST Forumer's panties in a knot.

This one is more informative:

So cheap and so effective; my kind of ad. Just write some numbers on a frickin banana and take picture. Although, does "platinum" have anything at all to do with baby-prevention? They are also shooting (haha... shooting) for that James Bond association, as you can see. Men are so weird.

Previously there was another Okamoto ad on the MRT which featured a blown-up condom with a bird inside it and a bee outside it. (It was a lot more tastefully done than I've made it sound.) I commented on it to my conservative boss, who opined that she actually didn't think condom ads were appropriate for kids to see - "there are just some facts of life which you don't want to share when they're so young". I went on my usual rant of how condoms are inherently associated with kids anyway, so really what was the issue, etc. She said "Yah but, still." It was one of those moments when I realised that a lot of young, educated Singaporeans are indeed very conservative, as The Government always says. (Or perhaps, very hypocritical, in a passive sort of way.) It also made me want to document Singapore's condom ads.

Ok this isn't a condom ad but I just thought it was hilarious that they put the banana on the woman's boob. WTF?!