Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bananas Galore

I've decided to make it my personal mission to document all the condom ads in Singapore.

Unfortunately I don't get out much so I haven't collected many, but give a girl some time...!

This one's a pretty common sight at the moment:

Quite discreet and sweet actually, but I wouldn't be surprised if it manages to get at least one ST Forumer's panties in a knot.

This one is more informative:

So cheap and so effective; my kind of ad. Just write some numbers on a frickin banana and take picture. Although, does "platinum" have anything at all to do with baby-prevention? They are also shooting (haha... shooting) for that James Bond association, as you can see. Men are so weird.

Previously there was another Okamoto ad on the MRT which featured a blown-up condom with a bird inside it and a bee outside it. (It was a lot more tastefully done than I've made it sound.) I commented on it to my conservative boss, who opined that she actually didn't think condom ads were appropriate for kids to see - "there are just some facts of life which you don't want to share when they're so young". I went on my usual rant of how condoms are inherently associated with kids anyway, so really what was the issue, etc. She said "Yah but, still." It was one of those moments when I realised that a lot of young, educated Singaporeans are indeed very conservative, as The Government always says. (Or perhaps, very hypocritical, in a passive sort of way.) It also made me want to document Singapore's condom ads.

Ok this isn't a condom ad but I just thought it was hilarious that they put the banana on the woman's boob. WTF?!

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